Friday, September 4, 2009

Dexter is GOOD. Dexbert. Dexsomebodyelseheremindsmeofandican'tthinkofit.

Let's begin with the things that have solidly occurred to me today:
I really don't like it when people say things are stupid without learning about them or trying them first.
Saw this in the mirror, you could say.
And I so wish I could be one of those girls who at college had a ball and made friends and went to parties and was super excited about the weekend.
Instead of being so shy and afraid.
I hope it's not too late for me to do things like that.
But anyone would say to that- it's never too late.

Anyway, tomorrow I go on the train. And I'm really looking forward to that. I really like trains. Today Joseph gave me a manuscript that might be submitted for publishing, and it was one of the most peaceful things I've ever experienced, just sitting on the subway rocking back and forth and reading these pages. I almost stayed on til the end of the line and then rode back, but I was thirsty.
My computer now has iTunes. This is obviously bad news for Brianne and Mark.
I have done twenty push-ups every day for four days now. Murder. Have gotten to know a lot about what kinds of people and animals have napped on the rug in the sitting room.
There is an ice-cream truck that goes by this house each day around 5:45. And you can hear it for about ten minutes, and never ever see it. The second I heard it today I stuck my head out the window and remained there until it stopped. No sign.
But it does make me really want ice cream. I've decided that on one of my next two weekend trips I shall buy some ice cream.
Those SPARC kids sure are loud.
And they sound great. And Ali T. is a gorgeous Cosette, and Michael Hawke is the epitome of Javert, and Jason looks very well in his role as the Christ.
After hearing so much about this new splendiferous Centerstage opening, I asked Jason if he thought anyone would be taping it. He assured me in hushed tones that no, they would not. This thing is taking on all the pomp and reverence I would normally only associate with the marriage of Mother Teresa and Martin Luther King.
I bet it'll be great though, with all the nuns and stenogs and homeless French people.
I wonder why they're not called Fiber 2's?
Or Fiber 5's. That's catchy.

I met Joseph at HarperCollins today to go for pizza.
Joseph likes to speedwalk through the subway station jogging up and down escalators (which- WHY? Where is the fun in that?), and then arrive at the platform where he strides up onto the yellow bump area and glares down the tunnel, like this is going to make the train come faster.
Whenever he does this, I feel such like the wise mother and think things like I just typed, "do you really think that is going to make the train come any faster, Joseph?" And then I can remember myself doing things like that just for effect so many times. And think how irked I would be if my mother had said that to me.
Though for Joseph, the train probably does get the lead out.
Got a text from someone very dear to me the other day telling me they were running a few minutes late because they had to take a "hurricane shit."
I just thought that was very funny phraseology.
Tomorrow morning I am meeting Alanna at 11 at the Starbucks in Times Square (don't worry, I have specifics) and we are going to "have coffee" (I might actually get one of those iced coffees everyone is so horny for. I've been tempted for weeks now), and then have a photo session. She has a new camera and has been following her friends around taking pictures of them with manhole covers and loose teeth and then photoshopping color onto the other objects in the picture while her friends are in black and white. I think this will be fun. I will wear a dress and tell her to shoot from the ankles up.
Does Kim Clark really have a new pet pig?
What are our thoughts on if it will be a. legal, and b. a scientifically good idea to bring a 2 Liter of Pineapple Sunkist on an airplane with me?

1 comment:

Princess Crabass said...

Definitely not legal. They will make you drink the entire thing before you go through security. (You're gonna try it now, aren't you?)