Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My second post.

I was sitting on Brett's lap when I began writing this. He hates that, I think because it hyper-extends his knees. But he has since gone to change his shirt.
We are preparing to go with CTKniffen of the CTKniffen's Stage 1 Acting Emporium and Theatrical Bazaar to Carytown to pass out fliers. This is what I told Brett we are doing. What we are really doing is driving to Carytown, dropping Brett off on the corner at Can-Can and Chase and I are going to lunch. Chase and I are not of the ilk of person who are comfortable standing merrily on corners shouting and flailing at strangers while stuffing paper in their faces. Brett is. He will probably get tips.
There was a giant cinnamon bun on my coffee table this morning. Untouched. 
I went to the Dunky Donut this morning on my way to the Mill. I call it Dunky Donut because of a long horrible tale involving Long Island, engine coolant, Indian men and nosebleeds. This particular Dunky Donut never fails to infuriate me. Invariably you will be greeted alarmingly promptly by the person at the drive thru when you arrive at the menu. It is a high-pitched chipper downright pleasant voice of a young girl. She is positively tickled that you have stopped by. You then say what you want. You are then cursed out by someone obviously ill and Mexican for asking for whatever sort of cream cheese you have asked for. So you clarify as best you can, and drive round. You pay. You are then informed that today Dunky Donuts does not have either the sort of bagel or the sort of cream cheese you requested (in my case "scrawberry").  I find this fascinating. Yet I continue to go. Brett says the best way to get back at them is to stop going but we found a better option when one day while waiting to be offered a bag of Doritos instead of what I had ordered, Durron, Brett and I stole right off the pick-up window a round magenta sticker that says in yellow letters: "Our Scrambled Eggs Are Made With Milk." I like that a lot. Makes me giggle. 
I like Durron a lot too. 


Jacquie O. said...

You guys are so funny! I want to be in the car with you on your next run to DD. Your story reminded me of the time my sister Christine stole the curtains from a Mexican restaurant in NY. She was really drunk and pissed at the waitress about something, so she walked out with the curtains. Oh, I guess I should say that the curtains were still on the rod. I wonder if she still has it? I stole my Massapequa LI high school flag as a pledge dare...I should return that someday.

Dave T said...

In college, my friend Peer Hansen and I got back at the local A&P by stealing red aprons, one for each of us, that said "I'm minding my P's and Q's." I can't remember what the A&P did to us, but I know it was bad. We also stole milk crates from the back of the store, which i painted crazy colors and used as furniture for more years than I care to admit.

Not too long ago, I was driving to pick up daughter #2 at her school, and I accidentally cut someone off on Broad Street, but not because I was texting while driving. She then pulled up beside me and I made my best "I'm sincerely terribly sorry, so sorry that I'm facially wincing at my own bad judgment, and look, here's my best, most hopeful and winning smile at you in anticipation of our soon-to-be friendship after you've forgiven me for this terrible vehicular transgression" face through the window at her and then proceeded on, driving so, so, so slowly and carefully like I normally do. After a while I noticed she was following me, and after more time, I noticed she was on her phone and squinting to get my license plate, and I started trying to figure out if I had actually broken a law or if I had just been awfully rude, and i concluded the latter. When I pulled up at daughter #2's school, a police car pulled in behind me, and my fellow minivan-driving, still-angry-but -soon-to-be-new friend pulled in behind him. I got out of my car and said to the officer, "I'm really sorry. I did cut her off, but I don't think I actually broke any laws." He kind of smiled and rolled his eyes to the woman, who was apparently insane, and then he said, "Sorry to bother you. She called because she was afraid that you were a 12-year-old boy who had stolen a car, but obviously you aren't." Then we all went on our merry way.

Son #2 has his friend Sammy over, and just had to use the bathroom. He was in there for a long time, and it was really stinky, and Sammy was waiting and waiting and waiting for him to come out and play, so my son said, "Sammy, you can come in here if you want to," and Sammy very quickly replied, "I know. I don't."

That's all I got. This is from Holly.

Andrew Hamm said...

Now I'm hungry for scrawberries.