Monday, December 21, 2009


Learned today:

1. Driving in the snow/ice is my new all-time favorite activity. Besides singing. And raising kittens.
2. It is irrational for bald people not to appreciate homemade hats.
3. When attending one's first therapy session it is interesting to have the first thing your therapist says to be: "Oh- you're that crazy little girl with the pigtails!" Yes. Yes I am. Enjoy.

Therapy is necessary I've decided.
Also buying kick-ass presents for very sweet roommates that you know they will get really REALLY excited about and then waiting jittering and shivering with excitement for them to come home and open said presents. Oh- I didn't finish that sentence. Is great.
My car was stuck this morning. Of course. After yesterday I was Jasmine Bond and amazingly revved my car out of it's pit to drive to Erin's Christmas party. Then got stuck on a hill going home and together with Matt and Brett shoved the car up the hill while Maggie drove (most fun I have had in YEARS).
But after this party, I made sure to find a nice parking spot that looked relatively easy to navigate.
No such luck. STUCK this morning.
Had to catch a ride to the North Pole with Hannah in her SUV complete with three dollish children named Petunias, Perfection, and Sausage Curls.
Arrived mere seconds after places.
Now will take a hopefully hot shower. And if it's not hot then sorry everyone I am going to see tonight cause I'm not taking it.
The birthday boy and I are attending "Billy-Christopher's Holiday Hoo-Ha" starring Margaret.
Then we are attending that fancy bar Balliceaux where Hannah worked for 17 minutes and is really down the rabbit hole.
I have to wash my hair. Because I bought a new yellow cap.

1 comment:

Sparky said...

I agree with the snow & ice driving. You get extra points if you make one of those know-it-all not from Virginia type people cry or cuss!