Thursday, May 28, 2009

More kittens.

Saw Janine riding her sunny yellow bike home from work today in the drizzle. She's amazing. I love hearing her sing. Eric Williams was going to drive by and attempt to pick her up. 
So three kittens.
Large gray one. Might be a panther. At least 9 years older and more advanced than his siblings. Loves nothing more than to frantically scale the couch and your chest and then perch himself on your rack and tenderly reach one paw up to cradle your face. All the while gazing with great concern into your eyes. His name is currently Ouisus. Like Jesus but with the French yes at the beginning. This is due to the fact that I have difficulty pronouncing Juan with a Spanish accent and it sounds more like Hoo Wan when I try. So I have decided that all names beginning in J should feature the "Houi" sound at the front. It is a catchy name for this kitten. Also you can do the Altar Boyz choreography with him in your right hand and then gesture about wildly with him at the appropriate lyric. He has explosive surround-sound bowel movements from time to time. He also weaned himself straight from the bottle to hard food and steak. Love him dearly.
Then there is Maggie's. Maybe. Her name is Betty Draper and that's all there is to it. Due to an incident involving Brett and a piece of trash she took a header off the kitchen counter and as a result looks in many directions at once. This is endearing? 
Betty likes to lie next to you and sleep. Cat. Dullard. Very sweet though. Loves Maggie. Reciprocates the general disregard I feel for her.
Surprise is the name of the black creature. Verdict still out on his species with the final three options narrowed down to bat, kitten, and pygmie pygmie cow.
His hair is black with gray undertones and he is SOFT and fluffy and has a tubby tail. He also has the most sturdy set of birthing hips I've seen on anyone in a while. He is light years behind the others in development and looks SHOCKED at all times. He does the Merry Christmas Polka whenever you turn on the dishwasher or dustbuster. He has a very bulbous forehead and walks like Dr. Bailey on Grey's Anatomy. Might craft him a miniscule Ewok suit out of a red mitten or something. Kind of love him as well. Always very cute when anytime you shout "SURPRISE!" a wee black puff comes staggering toward you. He also enjoys seating himself on your foot. Whether you are walking or not.
Have been going to the gym. Enjoy the gym because no one is there who can see. Ginnie and I ride the blazes out of some bikes. She is disciplined enough to do exercises on the bouncy balls but I just end up rolling around and playing whenever I deal with them, so I typically excuse myself to go fiddle around with the weight machines. Took a weight training course in college. That and folk dancing were my gym credits. Hysterical. Cham Pritchard was my instructors name. Spent much more time thinking about that word- Cham- then doing anything else. Is like Ham. Or Chapstick.
Robyn O'Neill sounds amazing at rehearsal. She just stands there and those noises just come out of her mouth. Stands there in pressed slacks, no less.
If anyone knows when the "In the Heights" documentary re-airs, let me know. Looked up when I thought it did, and it wasn't there. Want to see it. I have realized that now when someone asks me what are my dream roles, I have one to lead off with. Usnavi.
Am growing tired of fried chicken. May request baked. Will be happy to go and pick it up myself.
Was a mother for five days last week. To human kittens. Do not need any of those until I am 40. At least. They were exceedingly well behaved. Had extended conversations with the new slipper with eyes named King that Joy keeps out back. Can now perform the entire score to Annie backwards in Italian post-mortem.
The big cat keeps rudely doing his thang in the kittens' litter box. This is an expression of his displeasure. He secretly wants to play with them. But he enjoys the nobility of being long-suffering. 
Today I went to a production meeting. While waiting my turn I drew a picture. Adam was disappointed in me. This is a terrible thing, to have Adam disappointed in me. Will refrain from illustrating production meetings in the future. 
Oh my gosh- forgot- I bottle fed a two week old calf. Was FUN. Was like trying to drag a Buick through polenta. Looked like a deer. Drank a 1/2 gallon of milk in 45 seconds. Then met a bushy kitten who is still not adopted because she cannot get up from lying on her back. This is very comical. Then Debby fed Surprise beer and we went home. 
Must go shower. Drank coffee. Now feel dirty.
Also my citrus stigmata has gone away. Very exciting. Cured by Lisa Kotula's Jergens Hand Lotion.


Joseph Papa said...

ok ... one, I make no appearance in this post. hmm.

two, I love how you refer to it as Lisa's Jergens Lotion ... as if she'd discovered some never-before-heard-of potion lotion.

poor surprise

AdamandMaggie said...

Never disappointed. Was afraid I would lose it.

Jacquie O. said...

You are naming my next cat...the end.

Jacquie O. said...

Oh, if you send me photos of the cats I will post them at work. Send to:

Jacquie O. said...

And Joseph...are you wearing Audra's tights in your photo? I feel like I have seen them on her.
OK...too many posts. Sorry.